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HTTP routing consists of binding an HTTP route to a C++ callback. A special component called an HTTP router will be in charge of dispatching HTTP requests to the right C++ callback. A route is composed of an HTTP verb associated to a resource:

GET /users/1

Here, GET is the verb and /users/1 is the associated resource.

HTTP methods#

A bunch of HTTP methods (verbs) are supported by Pistache:

  • GET: The GET method is used by the client (e.g browser) to retrieve a resource identified by an URI. For example, to retrieve an user identified by an id, a client will issue a GET to the /users/:id Request-URI.
  • POST: the POST method is used to post or send new information to a certain resource. The server will then read and store the data associated to the request. POST is a common way of transmitting data from an HTML form. POST can also be used to create a new resource or update information of an existing resource. For example, to create a new user, a client will issue a POST to the /users path with the data of the user to create in its body.
  • PUT: PUT is very similar to POST except that PUT is idempotent, meaning that two requests to the same Request-URI with the same identical content should have the same effect and should produce the same result.
  • DELETE: the DELETE method is used to delete a resource associated to a given Request-URI. For example, to remove an user, a client might issue a DELETE call to the /users/:id Request-URI.

To sum up, POST and PUT are used to Create and/or Update, GET is used to Read and DELETE is used to Delete information.

Route patterns#

Static routes#

Static routes are the simplest ones as they do rely on dynamic parts of the Request-URI. For example /users/all is a static route that will exactly match the /users/all Request-URI.

Dynamic routes#

However, it is often useful to define routes that have dynamic parts. For example, to retrieve a specific user by its id, the id is needed to query the storage. Dynamic routes thus have parameters that are then matched one by one by the HTTP router. In a dynamic route, parameters are identified by a column :


Here, :id is a dynamic parameter. When a request comes in, the router will try to match the :id parameter to the corresponding part of the request. For example, if the server receives a request to /users/13, the router will match the 13 value to the :id parameter.

Some parameters, like :id are named. However, Pistache also allows splat (wildcard) parameters, identified by a star *:


Defining routes#

To define your routes, you first have to instantiate an HTTP router:

Http::Router router;

Then, use the Routes::<Method>() functions to add some routes:

Routes::Get(router, "/users/all", Routes::bind(&UsersApi::getAllUsers, this));Routes::Post(router, "/users/:id", Routes::bind(&UsersApi::getUserId, this));Routes::Get(router, "/link/*/to/*", Routes::bind(&UsersApi::linkUsers, this));

Routes::bind is a special function that will generate a corresponding C++ callback that will then be called by the router if a given route matches the Request-URI.


A C++ callback associated to a route must have the following signature:

void(const Rest::Request&, Http::ResponseWriter);

A callback can either be a non-static free or member function. For member functions, a pointer to the corresponding instance must be passed to the Routes::bind function so that the router knows on which instance to invoke the member function.

The first parameter of the callback is Rest::Request and not an Http::Request. A Rest::Request is an Http::Request with additional functions. Named and splat parameters are for example retrieved through this object:

void UsersApi::getUserId(const Rest::Request& request, Http::ResponseWriter response) {    auto id = request.param(":id").as<int>();    // ...}
void UsersApi::linkUsers(const Rest::Request& request, Http::ResponseWriter response) {    auto u1 = request.splatAt(0).as<std::string>();    auto u2 = request.splatAt(1).as<std::string>();    // ...}

As you can see, parameters are also typed. To cast a parameter to the appropriate type, use the as<T> member template.

Cast safety

An exception will be thrown if the parameter can not be casted to the right type

Installing the handler#

Once the routes have been defined, the final Http::Handler must be set to the HTTP Endpoint. To retrieve the handler, just call the handler() member function on the router object:
