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Getting started

Pistache is a web framework written in Modern C++ that focuses on performance and provides an elegant and asynchronous API.

#include <pistache/pistache.h>

Installing Pistache#

git is needed to retrieve the sources. Compiling the sources will require CMake to generate build files and a recent compiler that supports C++17.

If you're on Ubuntu and want to skip the compilation process you can add the official PPA providing nightly builds:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pistache+team/unstablesudo apt updatesudo apt install libpistache-dev

Otherwise, here's how to build and install the latest release:

git clone pistachemeson setup buildmeson install -C build

Also, Pistache does not support Windows yet, but should work fine under WSL.

Serving requests#


First, let’s start by including the right header.

#include <pistache/endpoint.h>

Hello world#

Requests received by Pistache are handled with an Http::Handler.

Let’s start by defining a simple HelloHandler:

using namespace Pistache;
class HelloHandler : public Http::Handler {public:
    void onRequest(const Http::Request& request, Http::ResponseWriter response) {        response.send(Http::Code::Ok, "Hello, World\n");    }};

Handlers must inherit the Http::Handler class and at least define the onRequest member function. They must also define a clone() member function. Simple handlers can use the special HTTP_PROTOTYPE macro, passing in the name of the class. The macro will take care of defining the clone() member function for you.

Final touch#

After defining the handler, the server can now be started:

int main() {    Address addr(Ipv4::any(), Port(9080));
    auto opts = Http::Endpoint::options().threads(1);    Http::Endpoint server(addr);    server.init(opts);    server.setHandler(Http::make_handler<HelloHandler>());    server.serve();}

For simplicity, you can also use the special listenAndServe function that will automatically create an endpoint and instantiate your handler:

int main() {    Http::listenAndServe<HelloHandler>("*:9080");}

And that’s it, now you can fire up your favorite curl request and observe the final result:

curl http://localhost:9080/Hello, World

Complete code for this example can be found on GitHub: examples/